
Thursday 25 October 2018

Wheel word Week 2

Today in reading the Rotorua group were doing the wheel word for 10 minute. My letter that I had to focus on was 'S'. It was a bit hard because the words that I tried was wrong. And what I found easy was using the hint. I used the hints 54 times.

Monday 15 October 2018

Formal and Informal Reading

Today for reading we were learning formal and informal language. We described examples of language that would be informal or formal. I learnt that writing a formal letter in language using greeting cards, emails, parent and grandparents and in writing an informal letter is used for text messages, friends, grocery lists and family. On top of the sentence is the formal I used 'I am writing to complain' and 'condition of the playground'. And for the informal I used 'How are you' and 'dead busy' and 'to get ready'.